Episode 66 – The Hi Hat Show
Join us as we continue to work our way around the drum set. This week we discuss our favorite hi hats! Picking out the perfect set of hats has its own unique challenges. First, you have to find two cymbals that work together well. Next, they have to feel right. Lastly, they should sound good when played heavy, light, open, closed, chick sound, etc. Those demands are more than we put on any other cymbal. Add to the fact that we generally play hi hats on every single song and you discover that finding the perfect set may be a long, frustrating journey. We’ll tell you what we like for rock, jazz, and everything in between. We also discuss our favorite light, medium, and heavy duty stands to mount your favorite hats. We finish the show with a segment of gear recommendations where both picks combined are under $40! Join us every Monday for a brand new show! We’re available on Itunes, Google Play Podcasts, Stitcher, Podbean, and everywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts. Subscribe today!