Episode 71 – Stuff Drummers Do
Happy Thanksgiving from Phil and Jon! This week we thank you, the listeners, for your continued support and for the success of this show. We take some time for good natured ribbing of our drumming brethren by discussing all the things that we do better (and sometimes worse) than anyone else in the music community. Practice shortcuts, speed for speed’s sake, gear trends, and drum hangs are the punching bags for the week. We also give our picks for a great underrated drum track. Lastly, we have birthed our first podcast baby! We welcome to the show Dan Radin host of The Drum Showroom podcast. He took inspiration from our show and created his very own, unique podcast. We introduce him to Groovecast nation and he tells us about his personal journey to being a full time drummer and how his new podcast is a part of the process. You can find The Drum Showroom on Soundcloud and everywhere you listen to your favorite podcasts. You can listen to the Drummer’s Weekly Groovecast on Itunes, Google Play Podcasts, Stitcher, Podbean, Soundcloud, and everywhere you access your favorite music. New shows are published every Monday. Subscribe today!
Also, don’t forget to go by Itunes and leave a short, written review to be entered into our latest giveaway sponsored by Aquarian Drum Heads. Two lucky winners will win a full set of the batter heads of their choice or a full set of Aquarian Drum Kit Tools. Full details can be found in the show. Register today!