Episode 106 – Managing Social Media
Keeping tabs on social media use is now something all responsible people must do. Naturally we think that most of the problems generated by Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, come from the original poster. Sometimes that is correct. However with the omnipotence of technology and its accompanying social media, savvy users have to be equally careful simply being onlookers.
In this episode Phil and Jon discuss the proliferation of several social media platforms and the benefits they offer. Likewise we dive into the worm hole of exactly what can go wrong when social media use goes awry. We cover issues like: bad posting etiquette, problems arising from overconsumption, loss of productivity, addiction, and anxiety resulting from social media overexposure. We then discuss proven, practical ways to loosen the grip of social media and get you back on the road to productivity.
We also talk about our recent inclusion in Drum Magazine’s top drumming podcast’s list. We are humbled and honored to be listed with such wonderful people and podcasts. If you would like to see what was said about us click this link: http://drummagazine.com/streaming-the-beat-top-drumming-podcasts-right-now/
We also discuss a recent article written by listener Kyle Edmonston. His paper is about ‘Time’ and he cites episode 37 of the Drummer’s Weekly Groovecast as one of his primary sources. Thanks Kyle and tremendous work! You can read Kyle’s article by clicking this link:
Finally, we get another tip from Jon during our visit to the Drummer’s Weekly Groovecast Garage. If you have broken or partially operational snare stands this segment is for you.
Special thanks once again goes to everyone who has ever listened to the show. It means more to us than you’ll ever know. If you haven’t left a review for the show please swing by our page in Itunes and leave us a short review. We’ll never ask you for money so if you have a few minutes to leave us a five star review we’d be very grateful. It helps us reach a bigger audience for people who are looking for our type of show. If you’d like to listen to any back episodes, view our videos, visit our social media, or get in touch with us go to our website at: www.drummersweeklygroovecast.com