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Episode 126 – Perfect Imperfection

As we come to the end of the third season, we take some time to discuss the news of the day and the many events that have happened over the course of recent episodes. We discuss created by friends of the show, Dave Hooper, Gary Novak, and Dave Johnstone. We also humbly discuss the honor of being included by a popular online blogger in their list of top drumming podcasts. Also, the show will observe its three-year anniversary in July. Even though we’ll celebrate during our off-season please stay subscribed. From time to time we’ll give updates on the upcoming season as well as possibly publish a special ‘off-season’ episode. With that in mind, please stay in touch with the show. We appreciate the support and welcome all ideas for future episodes and interviews. As our long-time listeners will attest, we respond to all email and many times use your suggestions for future episodes.

For this episode we take on the topic of being imperfect in a digitally perfect music scene. Recently a video went viral illustrating what John Bonham might sound like if he were recording today. The author of the video takes extant Bonham tracks and ‘corrects’ them through digital quantization. We discuss this video and then talk about our favorite, imperfect drummers. We talk about different drummers, their tracks, and how some are unintentionally imperfect while others are intentional. We discuss what make these imperfections perfect along with the various methods they may intentionally employ that make their playing imperfect.

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